Alphecca Systems
Alphecca Systems is a company dedicated to the provision and design of software systems for the measurement and distribution of environmental parameters.
Formed in 2003 by Stephen André, a software and hardware engineer with over thirty years' experience in the development of systems for the measurement, acquisition and display of meteorological and oceanographic data, Alphecca Systems is the home of the ARTEMeS real-time, environmental measurement system.
Built around the Internet and for the Internet, ARTEMeS was the World's first true web-based real time environmental data acquisition system. ARTEMeS has been operating
continuously on the global network since early 2004.
With it's highly interactive graphics, comprehensive metadata
backed by an industrial database and distributed architecture, ARTEMeS offers both security and unrivalled accessibility to the users' data.
While most competitors' systems allow clients to see their data in near real time, only ARTEMeS allows them to use it.
Alphecca Systems are based in Wiltshire, a county in Southern England.