Stephen André

Stephen André has over twenty-seven years' experience in the design, building and installation of systems for the
measurement and display of environmental parameters.
Starting out with a degree in electronics and oceanography, he worked in the seismic exploration industry and taught
electronics and mathematics at a further education college before spending more than seventeen years with a prominent
oceanographic survey company in England.
The last ten years have been spent working as a consultant to a number of different survey companies while at the same time developing the ARTEMeS real time system and running Alphecca Systems.
His skills and past experience include
- design and construction of microcontroller-based instrument interfaces
- software design in high level languages Java, Fortran, Forth, Basic, Algol and Pascal
- strong mathematical background in the theory and implementation of numerical mathematical algorithms
- design of radio systems for telemetry of real time measurements
- supervision of software programming staff
- management of oceanographic projects
Stephen has worked on many projects in different parts of the world, including Brunei, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Oman, Dubai, Yemen, Argentina, USA, Norway, Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, and many European countries.
Stephen's full CV is available here. (Requires Adobe Acrobat)